- Adventure Aquarium General Admissions Discount
- New Benefit - Buyer's Edge
- Child Care Savings
- Continuing Education
- Energy Plus
- Eyecandi - Digital Agency
- First Financial Merchant Services
- Group Buying Opportunities
- Insurance savings with The Gandelman Agency
- Job and Classified Ad Postings - free to members!
- Legal Service Plan
- NJSOP Find-A-Doc web listing
- NJSOP Mentor Program
- PECAA Professional Connections
- PLUS...AOA Member Benefits
- Publications for Members only
- Remex Accounts Receivable
- Resume Writing services at a discount
- Secure Document Shredding
- State Government Representation
- Member Benefit Terms
Listserve access for members only
Peer-to-peer communication
The listserv provides the NJSOP members with an electronic platform for interactive discussion, networking, and easy access to colleagues for the purpose of sharing information, resources, and opportunities that are relevant to the profession of optometry. The listserv is a member benefit for all NJSOP members who are current with their membership dues. The listserv terms of use are approved by the NJSOP Board of Directors.
NJSOP Members can opt in or out at any time by contacting Edna McKinney at emckinney@njsop.org.
NJSOP Committee Meetings Moved to Evenings Following Member Feedback!
73.7% of you expressed your willingness to attend NJSOP committee meetings if they were scheduled in the evening.