Submit a Classfied Ad (Members)

The NJSOP career postings are updated by staff on a regular basis, typically within 48 hours of the submission

The NJSOP career postings are updated by staff on a regular basis, typically within 48 hours of the submission. The classifieds link is in our members only Weekly Wrap Up e-blast, and are placed on this public facing NJSOP website page. Classifieds can appear in our magazine, Eye on New Jersey, if submitted by January 20 for the Spring journal, April 20 for the Summer journal, July 20 for the Fall journal, or October 20 for the Winter journal.

FREE for Members.

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Disclaimer:  Advertisements and classified ads contained herein are the sole responsibility of the persons or entities that post the advertisement, and NJSOP does not make any warranty as to the accuracy, completeness, truthfulness or reliability of such advertisements. NJSOP has no liability whatsoever for any third party claims arising in connection with such advertisements or any products or services mentioned therein. NJSOP is not responsible for ads placed herein that may be in violation of specific state regulations. Refunds will be granted only within 5 days of placing the classified.

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