About The NJSOP
The NJSOP advocates, communicates, and educates to advance the optometric profession.
To protect and improve health through vision care.
A Nucleus of Professionals
On March 28, 1903, some 100 men gathered to form the New Jersey State Optical Society, forerunner of the present New Jersey Society of Optometric Physicians.
Incorporated on April 27, 1903, society membership was open to anyone in general who was interested in the optical field. Their first objective was to secure legislation to legalize optometry in New Jersey. After eleven years of unremitting effort, the Society managed to get an optometry law passed in April 1914. The first State Board Examination was given at the State House in Trenton, October 26, 1914, when 31 applicants applied for licensing.
With the legalization of the optometric practice in New Jersey, the society changed its name to the New Jersey Optometric Society and membership was limited to licensed optometrists.
A nucleus of professionally oriented practitioners recognized early in history the necessity to acquaint the public with the eminent qualifications of O.D.s to render proper eyecare.
Dedicated to the Future
Today, we are called the New Jersey Society of Optometric Physicians (NJSOP). While our name has changed, our goals are the same as those set forth by our founders more than 100 years ago.
We are dedicated to advancing the profession of optometry and serving optometrists in meeting the eye care needs of the public. The NJSOP is focused on improving the quality and availability of vision care and we fulfill this objective by providing reliable and current information regarding eye care and health care policies. One of our most important responsibilities is to educate the public to enhance and ensure competent, quality patient care along with promoting the importance of routine comprehensive eye exams. Additionally, the NJSOP assists members in conducting their practices successfully in accordance with the highest ethical standards of patient care and efficiency.
Antitrust Laws
The NJSOP is committed to observance of federal and state antitrust laws. Certain topics are not proper subjects for discussion at any NJSOP function or on NJSOP communication media. Any action or agreement which may eliminate, restrict or govern competition among members or their colleagues could be a violation of antitrust laws. It is the responsibility of each individual to make sure that their actions are consistent with federal and state antitrust laws.
Strategic Plan
Due to the pandemic the NJSOP Board of Directors decided to renew the 2020- 2022 NJSOP Strategic Plan for another three years. In 2025, the NJSOP Board of Directors will be developing a new strategic plan.
NJSOP Committee Meetings Moved to Evenings Following Member Feedback!
73.7% of you expressed your willingness to attend NJSOP committee meetings if they were scheduled in the evening.